Saturday, 1 October 2011

Su Blackwell

I think creating an illustration from the pages of the book, making the book ‘come to life’ is a magical idea. I like the way she is able to manipulate the paper, it takes a lot of skill. I think she is an interesting artist because she has developed the use of her technique to produce pieces from fabric and created installation pieces. Her use of fabric is relevant to me because I would like to experiment more with this medium. 

Sir John Everett Millais

I really like Pre-Raphaelite art and the stories that they portray.  Millais’s Ophelia is my favourite, I have seen the painting in the Tate Britain and think the detail is breathtaking. The way he has painted the face and the body half submerged in the water is very clever and realistic.

Image: Tate 

Rachel Whiteread

I really like the miniature world that this piece creates, the composition of the dolls houses staggered in rows successfully imitates a small village. Although a quaint village, the piece has a sense of eeriness because every house is empty and soulless, this is emphasised by the lights which show that they lack furnishing. I think that Rachel Whiteread is an interesting artist, she works in different medias and produces varying pieces of work. 

Tim Walker

These photographs are from a British Vogue shoot (August 2006) ‘England’s dreaming’. The photographs are taken by Tim Walker who works with Shona Heath a set designer.  I really like his fashion photography, which is magical and surreal. The sets are quirky and eccentric and definitely have a sense of Britishness! I like the theatricality that these photographs give to the clothes.

Image: British Vogue, August 2006

William Morris

William Morris is an important designer, not only did he produce ornate complex designs but he championed the use of traditional printing methods. I like the fact that the pieces are produced in this way as I also prefer to use original materials rather than technologically advanced techniques. I really like the focus on nature in his designs and it is a subject that I like to draw. I like this image because you can see how the pattern is developed.

Cath Kidston

I like the patterns that Cath Kidston designs. Although twee and sugary in style they have a nostalgic sense of Britishness that I like.  The strawberry print reminds me of the strawberry print fabric on my highchair. I like the images from nature that these patterns are made up of, in that sense they are similar to the William Morris designs.


Shirley Hughes

My sister and I loved her books when we were little, and they bring back so many childhood memories! I think her illustrations are amazing, they have so much energy, movement and colour. Her drawings of children are so lifelike and this is a skill which i would like to improve. The stories focus on universal childhood experiences, (universal to the ‘english suburban world’ in which they are set) which are relatable to their readers and are able to inspire a sense of adventure. 

Image: 'Out and About' Shirley Hughes

Arthur Rackham

I fell in love last year with a book from my local library called ‘The Golden Age of Children’s Book Illustration’ by Richard Dalby. I thought that all the illustrations were beautifully drawn, but Arthur Rackham’s work particularly stood out. His images are intricate and sensitively drawn with fine outline and muted watercolour. His work certainly inspired me to pursue the area of illustration.

Rob Ryan

I really like the technique that Rob Ryan uses to create his images, I have attempted creating cut outs myself but am yet to reach a comparable level of skill or detail! I like the way he incorporates text into his illustrations, this creates a sense of narrative. His images have been used in so many different forms: book covers, greeting cards and also in fashion. Therefore he is relevant to this country because he is very popular. 
